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294 | <FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#A80404"><b>
295 | October 20, 2003 | Last Updated 1:12 a.m. (EDT)<BR> <BR>
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303 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif" size="1">
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305 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3><b><a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031019-4.html">President Discusses War on Terror in Thailand </a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">President Bush said to Thai Troops, "We must stay on the offensive until the terrorist threat is fully and finally defeated. To win the war on terror, we must hunt a scattered and resourceful enemy in dark corners around the world." <a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031019-4.html"><img src="/images/fullstory1.gif" width="50" height="10" alt="full story" border="0"></a></font><br> /images/fullstory1.gif: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031019-4.html: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031019-4.html: 200 ok
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310 | <HR noshade width="100%" size="1">
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314 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif" size="1">
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316 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3><b><a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031018.html">President's Radio Address</a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">In his weekly radio address, President Bush said, " As part of our coalition's efforts to build a stable and secure Iraq, we are working to rebuild Iraq's schools, to get the teachers back to work and to make sure Iraqi children have the supplies they need." <a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031018.html"><img src="/images/fullstory1.gif" width="50" height="10" alt="full story" border="0"></a> <a href="/news/releases/2003/10/"><img src="/news/images/espanol.gif" alt="en Español" border="0" width="60" height="10"></a></font><br><font size="1"><img src="/images/listen.gif" width="10" height="12" align="absbottom" alt="listen"><a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031018.a.ram"><b>Audio</b></a></font><br> /images/fullstory1.gif: 200 ok /images/listen.gif: 200 ok /news/images/espanol.gif: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031018.a.ram: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/ 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031018.html: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031018.html: 200 ok
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327 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3><b><a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031019-6.html">President Bush Meets with President of China </a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">President Bush said, "We talked about our mutual desire to wage and win the fight against terror. We spent time, of course, talking about North Korea. We have a mutual goal, and that is that the Peninsula be free of nuclear weapons." /news/releases/2003/10/20031019-6.html: 200 ok
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329 | <a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031019-6.html"><img src="/images/fullstory1.gif" width="50" height="10" alt="full story" border="0"></a></font><br> /images/fullstory1.gif: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031019-6.html: 200 ok
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340 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3><b><a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031016-3.html">President Bush Discusses the Economy and the War on Terror</a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">In San Bernadino, California Thursday, President Bush said, "Last month this economy /news/releases/2003/10/20031016-3.html: 200 ok
341 | exceeded expectations and added new jobs. Inflation is low. After-tax
342 | incomes are rising. Home ownership is at record highs. Productivity is
343 | high. Factory orders, particularly for high-tech equipment, have risen
344 | over the last several months." <a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031016-3.html"><img src="/images/fullstory1.gif" width="50" height="10" alt="full story" border="0"></a></font><br> /images/fullstory1.gif: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031016-3.html: 200 ok
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355 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3><b><a href="/ask/20031017.html">The New $20 Bill Discussed on Ask the White House Friday</a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><a href="/ask/20031017.html"><img src="/ask/images/nichols-70.jpg" border="0" align="left" alt="Rob Nichols" width="70" height="86"></a> /ask/images/nichols-70.jpg: 200 ok /ask/20031017.html: 200 ok /ask/20031017.html: 200 ok
356 | The most secure currency in U.S. history was introduced into the economy this month, and Department of Treasury's Rob Nichols discussed it on Ask the White House. <a href="/ask/20031017.html"><img
357 | src="/images/fullstory1.gif" width="50" height="10" /images/fullstory1.gif: 200 ok
358 | alt="full story" border="0"></a> /ask/20031017.html: 200 ok
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370 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3><b><a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031016-5.html">President Bush Welcomes Unanimous UN Vote on Iraq</a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">President Bush on Thursday said, "The world has an opportunity - and a responsibility - to help the Iraqi people build a nation that is stable, secure, and free. This resolution will help marshal even more international support for the development of a new, democratic Iraq." <a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031016-5.html"><img src="/images/fullstory1.gif" width="50" height="10" alt="full story" border="0"></a></font><br> /images/fullstory1.gif: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031016-5.html: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/20031016-5.html: 200 ok
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380 | <A href=""><IMG alt=" More White House News" border=0 height=20 src="/images/morewhnews.gif" width=150></A> /images/morewhnews.gif: 200 ok 200 ok
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396 | <a href="/news/releases/2003/10/images/20031016-4_d101703-515h.html"><img src="/news/releases/2003/10/images/20031016-4_d101703-298h.jpg" alt="President George W. Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi meet with the press after a dinner in Tokyo during the first stop of the President's trip to Asia and Australia Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003. White House photo by Paul Morse." border="0" width="299" height="253"></a> /news/releases/2003/10/images/20031016-4_d101703-298h.jpg: 200 ok /news/releases/2003/10/images/20031016-4_d101703-515h.html: 200 ok
397 | President George W. Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi meet with the press after a dinner in Tokyo during the first stop of the President's trip to Asia and Australia Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003.
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424 | <a href="/ask/"><img src="/images/ask_the_white_house.gif" border="0" alt="Ask the White House" width="290" height="25"></a></td> </tr> /images/ask_the_white_house.gif: 200 ok /ask/: 200 ok
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435 | <font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><center><a
436 | href="/ask/"><b>This Month on<br>Ask the White House</b></a></center></font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, /ask/: 200 ok
437 | sans-serif" size=1>CEA Director, Dr. Greg Mankiw discussed the economy, the President's Growth and Jobs package and the role of the Council of Economic Advisors on Ask the White House..</font></td> <td valign="top"><a
438 | href="/ask/"><img src="/ask/images/mankiw-70-3.jpg
439 | " alt="Ask the White House" /ask/images/mankiw-70-3.jpg: 200 ok
440 | border="0" width="70" height="90"></a></td> /ask/: 200 ok
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454 | <a href="/statevisit/kenya-visit.html"><img src="/images/kenya-inside.jpg" border="0" alt="Kenya State Visit" width="290" height="25"></a></td> </tr> /images/kenya-inside.jpg: 200 ok /statevisit/kenya-visit.html: 200 ok
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465 | <font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><center><a
466 | href="/statevisit/kenya-visit.html"><b>Kenya State Visit</b></a></center></font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, /statevisit/kenya-visit.html: 200 ok
467 | sans-serif" size=1>White House Chief Usher Gary Walters and his staff discussed the menu, flowers, and arrangements of the October 6 State Dinner.</font></td> <td valign="top"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
468 | <!--
469 | document.write("<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"javascript:popup('/news/releases/2003/10/20031006-preview.v.html','420','410')\">");
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471 | </SCRIPT><NOSCRIPT><a href="/news/releases/2003/10/20031006-preview.v.html"></NOSCRIPT><img src="/images/20031006-70.jpg" alt="Ask the White House" /images/20031006-70.jpg: 200 ok
472 | border="0" width="70" height="52"></a></td> /news/releases/2003/10/20031006-preview.v.html: 200 ok
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486 | <td colspan="2"bgcolor="#003366"><a href="/infocus/education/">
487 | <img src="/images/education_sec.gif" border="0" alt="Education" width="290" height="25"></a></td> /images/education_sec.gif: 200 ok /infocus/education/: 200 ok
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498 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><a href="/infocus/education/"><b><center>No Child Left Behind</center></b></a></font> /infocus/education/: 200 ok
499 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>
500 | The No Child Left Behind Act is raising standards for student achievement, giving students more information and more choices, requiring more accountability from schools, and funding education at record levels.
501 | </font></td>
502 | <td valign="top"><a href="/infocus/education/"><img src="/images/education-inside-20030908-2.jpg" alt="President George W. Bush meets with students in Nashville, Tn." border="0" width="70" height="51"></a></td> /images/education-inside-20030908-2.jpg: 200 ok /infocus/education/: 200 ok
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514 | <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#003366"><a href="/goodbye/fa5ef02043730b986d11e490a7bb65d3d966d09a.html">
515 | <img src="/images/nps_inside.gif" border="0" alt="Park of Week" width="290" height="25"></a></td> /images/nps_inside.gif: 200 ok /goodbye/fa5ef02043730b986d11e490a7bb65d3d966d09a.html: 200 ok
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519 | <table width="290" bgcolor="#efefef" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
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521 | <td><center><font face="arial, helvetica, sans serif" size=2>
522 | <a href="/goodbye/476df7f66c24c2be4fc8ddf593e6641d535b79b4.html">
523 | <b>America's Park of the Week</b></a><br></center> /goodbye/476df7f66c24c2be4fc8ddf593e6641d535b79b4.html: 200 ok
524 | <font face="arial, helvetica, sans serif" size=1>
525 | <a href="/goodbye/476df7f66c24c2be4fc8ddf593e6641d535b79b4.html"><img src="/images/nps_thumb.gif" alt="National Park Service" align="right" border="0" width="70" height="88"></a> /images/nps_thumb.gif: 200 ok /goodbye/476df7f66c24c2be4fc8ddf593e6641d535b79b4.html: 200 ok
526 |
527 | <em>Park of the Week</em>, a newly launched National Park Service web site, will highlight recreational opportunities and park improvements of a National Park each week.
528 | <a href="/goodbye/476df7f66c24c2be4fc8ddf593e6641d535b79b4.html"><b>Click here</b></a> for this /goodbye/476df7f66c24c2be4fc8ddf593e6641d535b79b4.html: 200 ok
529 | week's <em>Park of the Week</em>, Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site
530 | in California , and find out how to enjoy one of America's National Parks.
531 |
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543 | <table width="282" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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545 | <td colspan="2"bgcolor="#003366"><a href="/history/life/">
546 | <img src="/images/life_headlines.gif" border="0" alt="Life in the White House" width="290" height="25"></a></td> /images/life_headlines.gif: 200 ok /history/life/: 200 ok
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556 | <td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><a href="/history/life/cabinetroom.html"><b>Cabinet Room</b></a></font><br> /history/life/cabinetroom.html: 200 ok
557 | <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>Theodore Roosevelt's Cabinet met for the first time in the West Wing on November 6, 1902. <a href="/history/life/cabinetroom.html"><b>Take a video tour</b></a> of the Cabinet Room with Andy Card...</font></td> /history/life/cabinetroom.html: 200 ok
558 | <td valign="top"><a href="/history/life/cabinetroom.html"><img src="/history/life/images/card_cabinetroom.jpg
559 | " alt="Cabinet Room" border="0" width="70" height="60"></a></td> /history/life/images/card_cabinetroom.jpg: 200 ok /history/life/cabinetroom.html: 200 ok
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600 | <A href="/president/">President</A> /president/: 200 ok
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602 | <A href="/vicepresident/">Vice President</A> /vicepresident/: 200 ok
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604 | <A href="/firstlady/">First Lady</A> /firstlady/: 200 ok
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